2023/03/26 Daily Horoscope



如果有人用你不懂的语言跟你讲话,你必须找一些方法来表达你无法理解。但是事实上他们试图与你沟通已经是一个好的迹象 – 代表他们愿意与你交流。




Cancer horoscope for 星期日 3月 26If someone were to speak to you in a language that you did not understand, you would have to find some way to convey your inability to understand. But the fact that they were trying to communicate would be a good sign – they would beshowing willingness to communicate with you. Someone in your life is not getting through to you, but it is not for a lack of trying, Moonchild. Keep this in mind today if you get frustrated or angry because someone can't seem to connect with you. You can find a way if you both want to.