02/24 Daily Horoscope

Listening to someone else's opinion today could be very much like seeing something from a different vantage point. You can get a whole new appreciation fora situation just by listening and remaining open-minded. You may have alreadyformed a strong opinion of your own, but if you are open to learning, what you find out could be very enlightening, Leo. Don't limit yourself, even if you feel you have already found an answer. There may be a few things you have not yet.


狮子们,你可能已经在心中有了定见,但如果打开心胸接受新事物,你可能会发现一些给你带来启发的点子或机会。即使你觉得你已经找到了答案也不要限制自己,仍然会有些未知的惊喜在前方等着你去发现 🙂

非常不好意思,这几天工作较忙只能逐字翻译不及润饰,请多包涵 🙂